Black Iron Magician

Chapter 482: War Game

Titos Elderado, the Emperor of the Elderado Great Empire, was furious. He was still puzzled by the impossible situation of having the emperor’s long-time enemy, Vakala, in front of him. But more than that, his pride as the emperor would not allow him to be disrespected by any opponent, at any time, in any manner. The outrage over the invasion of his inviolable territory also added to his anger.

「War? Oh, you mean about the soldiers of this country who try to illegally enter my country every time? Just so you know, it’s not a war. You’re just acting selfishly, and we are just dealing with it. It’s been decades since we invaded this country, right? Well, it was your father’s generation.」

「S-Stop talking nonsense…! Guards, guards! There are intruders! What the hell are you doing, guards!?」

「It’s no use no matter how much you shout. There is no one in this country who will answer your call now. Like this.」


When Vakala pointed at one of the beautiful women, she became rigid as if she was petrified. For Derris, it was a sight so familiar that he grew tired of it, but for those next to her, it was nothing but horror.


「You bastard! What the hell did you do to my woman!?」

「I didn’t do anything difficult. You see, there’s a magic called 『Ice Age』 among the Blue Dragon Magic. It is a very useful magic that freezes the consciousness of a wide area. The person whose consciousness is frozen also becomes rigid and petrified. Well, don’t worry. If I cancel this magic, they will return to their previous state, alive. If I wanted to, I could conquer this imperial city without bloodshed, you know? However, I won’t do something boring like that. I will only use it like this.」


Saying so, Vakala used his magic on the rest of the women. Now, the consciousness of everyone in the imperial capital, except the emperor, has been frozen.

「……! What the hell do you want? Why don’t you just take my head without declaring war? Why did you do something like this!? Why, why!?」

「Hey, you’re more or less the emperor, so calm down a little. Here.」

Deris used 『Refresh』 on Titos, who approached Vakala with bloodshot eyes. It wasn’t an act of mercy, but a kind of harassment to keep his broken heart normal.


「Why, you ask? Then, I will tell you. I’m not the kind of beast that will go all out against the weak, and I’m not making fun of you at all. I just want to enjoy a game from the bottom of my heart. That’s all.」

「A game?」

「One of the reasons I came directly to this place this time was to make you feel crisis to the fullest. The second is to declare war and tell you the rule of the game. Now, listen carefully.」

Vakala begins to unilaterally announce the war game between Carmine and Elderado.

Rule number 1: This war will be held for a week (starting at midnight tomorrow).

Rule number 2: The conditions for victory or defeat are determined by the life or death of the Emperor of Elderado, Titos Elderado. If Titos dies before the end of the game, Carmine’s side will win. Conversely, if Titus survives, the Elderado’s side wins.

Rule number 3: Carmine can only kill during the attack on the Imperial Capital (self-defense is allowed anywhere if it’s nonlethal). Specifically, Carmine may attack up to 1km from the perimeter of the Imperial Capital. Any attack on any other territory during that time is a violation, and it will be counted as a loss for Carmine. However, Titos Elderado must be within the area of the Imperial Capital during the period. The moment Titos Elderado leaves the range, it’s counted as a loss for Elderado.

Rule number 4: There’s no limit to the defensive forces that Elderado can use, and Carmine will use only four selected members. Other forces will not be used for anything other than the defense of their own country during this war.

Rule number 5: Carmine’s forces will march from within its own territory and go through the national border. When marching, the use of teleportation is prohibited.

Rule number 6: The victorious country may treat the defeated country as they like. There are no particular restrictions on this point.

「――Well, something like that. As someone generous, I will accept any question. Do you have any?」

「Starting from tomorrow!? That’s too abrupt! And what’s with those nonsense rules!?」

「Calm down. It’s not abrupt, and we’re not joking around. Besides, you don’t have the right to say that. Your Elderado soldiers always attack without warning, right? I think that’s pretty naive for a big country. I wish you would learn from the King of Carmine, who thoughtfully and deliberately came to give notice and give an explanation himself.」

「W-What did you say!?」

The emperor is clearly getting heated up, and Deris is getting carried away. Humans are a creature who will enjoy something if there’s no responsibility.

「Oh, by the way, I haven’t introduced him to you yet. He’s Black, a subordinate of the 『Degenerate Demon』 Lilyvia, the same Great Eight Demon as me. He is one of my friends. Some of his subordinates will be selected for this war. In other words, some of our forces will be from the subordinates of Lilyvia’s subordinate. Well, they are Carmine’s guest generals.」

「My subordinates will be in your care. They will do their best to take your head, so you’d better do your best to fight back, Titos-kun!」

A friendly greeting is basic.

「…… A subordinate’s subordinates? Are you saying that all of Elderado’s forces will face the lowest underlings who are not even the forces of Carmine!? Are you looking down on us!?」

「We’re not looking down on you. It’s a legitimate evaluation for your country. I and Vakala did our best to make it a viable war.」

「Umu. Titos, isn’t this a rare opportunity for you? Your country is not strong enough to win in a normal battle, but you may be able to win against my country now. We have arranged such favorable conditions for you. You are not the kind of man who would get scared and refuse, right?」

「Well, you can refuse. But at that time, Carmine and my subordinates may come to this castle to visit you in your country’s style with no rules.」

「Umu. Or we may go directly to you, as we did today.」


It was no longer a negotiation, but a threat. Deris and Vakala were happily agitating Titos while knowing this.

(Are these fools telling me to risk my life for such a verbal promise…!? It is true that the conditions are favorable, and the rules seem to be in favor of Elderado. But even if Elderado wins, they can just act as if there’s no such promise! If so, I’m just putting my life in danger for nothing! B-But if I refuse, ugh…!)

Titos pondered carefully in front of the two sneering demons. However, no matter how he thought about it, it was clear that there was only one way to survive. His choice was already decided from the start.

「…… Fine. I accept those conditions. I just need to survive for a week starting from tomorrow, right!?」

Deris and Vakala looked at each other, and they fearlessly lifted the corners of their mouths.

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