The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 546

“Why? We’re alone in this place. Isn’t that enough?” mother mohawk asked.

“It’s not the fact that we’re alone. It’s... how do I say it? Let’s say I want to go to another place that will give me the advantage when asking you questions,” I said.

I can’t bring her to Albert’s place directly. But what if Albert can still be present? I’ll just get Kayla and Angela to protect him just in case. And the location will be at the place where the Professor is being held. We can also see his reaction about the questions and the answers from mother mohawk.

Well, everything will go well only if mother mohawk is not being brainwashed. From how mother mohawk tried to protect son mohawk, it should be safe.

For now, let’s get everything prepared.

“Wait here a bit longer. I will prepare something,” I said as I left her to wait on her own in this place.


“You think I will wait patiently? I can just kill you here,” mother mohawk said.

“You can’t. Just you alone is too weak against me. And you have witnessed it before. Three times,” I said.

The three times I mentioned were from the three bases where I tried to stop them. Our plan is progressing nicely. Though we might be able to do something better if we have her on our side. Can I blackmail her to help us by using her son? That sounds like I’m kidnapping her son and hold him against his will for our purposes. And that’s right. I’m a kidnapper.

I called Sonia and told her to inform what I got to Albert, Angela, and Kayla. As for the others, I don’t care if they want to know or not. I don’t care if more people is coming. I just hope they are safe since Albert and the kings are her targets.

After a while, Sonia returns and told me that I can do it. The final is still tomorrow, so Angela can help me today.

I wanted Angela because she’s the strongest mage we have. With her instinct, if Albert or the others are in danger, she could protect them quickly.

Even if I have killed many of them, mother mohawk is still a mohawk. An artificial master level mage. Only Angela is stronger than them.

After getting their permission, I used portal to go to the place where the Professor was being held. The opponent is an artificial master level mage, so she can detect other people’s presence. But they shouldn’t know who they are. That’s why I’m thinking of getting the Professor’s body hidden while we’re talking ear him.

Now that it’s done, I grabbed Albert, Kayla, and Angela here. I’m sorry to Marie that I stole her time together with Albert, but this is important.

I had the three of them in another room where Albert can hear our conversation. That way, he can tell if mother mohawk is lying or not.

“Roy, are you sure about the person you’re talking about? Is she truly not being brainwashed?” Albert asked.

“I know that this one is different. She is still sane enough to protect her son when I was capturing him. We can decide what to do with her after this. That’s why I need Angela to be here. Don’t forget that she’s still an artificial master level mage. She can detect your presence even if you’re in hiding. Though she shouldn’t be able to see who you are,” I said as I pointed my finger toward the Professor who is being tied up with his mouth covered so he won’t be able to leak any sound.

And to make sure he can’t give any signal, his whole body and even his head is being covered by Blobbies so he won’t be able to make any move either. I don’t know about artificial master level mage’s hearing sense, so it’s better this way.

“Well, if she truly has her own will, we might be able to get something from her. Though from this, I guess we can tell that those experimented children were not just kidnapped. But they are the children of some members of the cult as well. Maybe...” Albert started pondering.

“What? That we have killed the children’s parents and make them orphans? Isn’t that what a war is? Killing people who might have families?” I said.

“Yeah, but the children are parts of the enemy’s troop. They might have watched their own parents brutally murdered by us. And since you are a close combat fighter, you are the most likely to be seen,” Albert said.

“So what? If they tried to avenge their parents, they are free to do it. I won’t kill them when they are young, but once they have grown up and become adults, and they are thinking of killing me, I will kill them. Simple, right?”

“So, it’s fine for you if they are adults? Well, that’s fine. Do what you want. I’ll trust your judgement,” Albert said.

After Albert and the others moved to another room, I opened a portal directly to the front of the mother mohawk. She has seen me opening portals and throwing children inside it several times already. She should have known about my magic. Though I don’t think she knows that it’s a magic from a summoner.

“This is not teleportation magic. Making a path that connect one place to another. Do you have spatial element magic?” mother mohawk asked.

“First time I heard of that element. Is that real? And no, I’m not a space mage. And I won’t tell you about my elements,” I said.

“Or is it something that an Aura user can do?” mother mohawk asked.

Well, it’s normal that she knows about me being an Aura user. Though Angela on the other side were shocked to hear that mother mohawk knows about it.

Well, it’s good that I have kept my appearance secret the whole time. Even when I was away from her, I still wear Blobbyarmor and covered my face as well. There’s no way she can tell me from my appearance. Though if she proves to be an enemy even after all this, I will just kill her.

“We’ll get to that later. Don’t forget that we’re the one who keep your son’s custody. Even though we’re actually the good guy, I’ll be the villain here,” I said.

“...Fine. Ask away.”

“So, were you not brainwashed?”

I started the interrogation. And I learned man surprising things.

With the signal from Albert telling me if what she said is true or not, I continued asking. And she has been answering everything truthfully.

Sometimes, Albert would ask the question instead from the other room. And it was quite interesting how the Professor who had been tied up was trying to move and speak something again and again. Seems like this mother mohawk is someone the Professor knows personally.

So, this mother mohawk was never been manipulated. Everything was her own will. Including joining the troop to kill Albert and the others.

But her main reason is because her son had no choice but to come. That’s why she joined so she can protect her son.

When I asked why she didn’t try to stop me from the first time right away, she said that because she was too far from the children at the time. And when she finally got closer, up until we were at the third base, we already escaped.

And we are too strong for her. Unlike the others who were not afraid of death, she’s afraid of death. So, instead of attacking us, she prefer to protect herself. That’s why it took her so long before she can be with her son. I guess the monsters doing well keeping the adults away from me.

“Well, that was interesting. And since you have a mohawk as well, did you became like this by your own will?” I asked.

“My son was dying. And even though we were separated, I had no choice but to ask my husband who is smart and have medical knowledge. And he said that my son can be cured if he goes through the experiment. So, I told him that I will take part in the experiment before my own son to see if it’s safe. And so, I became this way. Unlike my own son, if I exhaust all my mana, I will die,” mother mohawk said.

Seems like I was right that the artificial master level children won’t die if they exhaust their mana. But hearing it from her, I sensed something different. It’s like she is personally close to the Professor.

Well, there’s nothing wrong in checking.

I walked to the other person in the room, The Professor, who is completely covered with Blobbies and can’t move and talk. And I removed the Blobbies on his face while still getting his mouth covered.

“Is this your husband!?” I asked the mother mohawk who was shocked when I unboxed the mystery guest.

“You’re here!?” the mother mohawk gasped.

Seems like I was right. The Professor is father mohawk without a mohawk! What a weird coincidence.

“Why did you say it like this is a quiz show on TV?” Victoria asked.

I don’t get her. Well, it’s not related to the stuffs here, so it’s fine.

So, I first captured and interrogated the father, and then kidnapped their son, before I negotiated with the mother. What did I do to the mohawk family?

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