The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 705

While we are following after that group of girls, Victoria suddenly said that to me.

“I’m not crazy at all. We already found one master level mage outside the base. This might be a good chance for us to investigate one of them. Even better if we use this chance to kill that master level mage,” I said.

“I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the method you’re using to stalk those girls,” Victoria said.

“Stalking sounds like a bad word. Just use following. Oh, wait. I’m doing it with the intent to harm them depend on what I found. I guess it’s kind of stalking. But let’s just use the word following them instead,” I said.

“That’s not the point! I’m talking about how you’re following them! You’re riding on Ray who is riding on Spot’s back! This is so weird on so many level,” Victoria complained.

“Then how else can I follow after them? I need Spot for his camouflage, but I also need Ray so I can spread my use of Aura so the master level mage won’t notice us. This is the first time we do this but we can get closer to them if you stop talking. You’re just alerting them where we are,” I said.


“Then do it in a better way! You can just ride on Ray while Spot is in his small form and wrapped his long body around your waist. That will look better,” Victoria said.

I guess that will look much more normal than having a human riding a horse who is riding a giant serpent. Let’s do as she says.

“Alright, I get it. You two, let’s do as Victoria said. And from now on, no talking. That master level mage can hear us if we’re talking. And no touching the ground at all, Ray. Let’s go.”

And now, there’s no one else complaining. Though I have to say that we can get closer thanks to this position. If I’m still riding Ray who is riding Spot, the distance from those girls to me would get further and it will be harder for me to listen to them.

There are five girls in the group with one of them is the master level mage. Obviously, the master level mage is acting as the leader.

They encountered some boar monsters and they easily defeated them while the master level mage didn’t do anything. That’s easy. They’re just boars after all. Even beginner level mage can defeat them.

And then, they encountered some orcs. They defeated them as well, but it wasn’t as easy as boars.

And from what I can see, they’re all only intermediate and advanced level mages. No expert level mages among them. And no tamer either.

Why is there no tamer? Are they here only for training and improve their abilities?

Ordinary orcs might be weak, but that doesn’t mean taming them is useless. They are useful in many ways. But those girls just kill them without even taming them.

Let’s hear their conversation. So far, there haven’t been any important information. But they have started talking about something more serious it seems.

“So many monsters died. If we have just one tamer with us, we can get a lot of money,” one of them said.

“Even if you have money, what use can they be? We can never leave this place unless we sold ourselves to a man. Even though I’m desperate, I don’t want to have my life being binded by someone I don’t like.”

“Yeah. It’s best if we just stay with Master instead.”

“I will make sure that you lot won’t have any trouble in this world at least,” the master level mage said.

She’s being called Master? Is she their master? Is it some sort of faction inside the cult or that Master is actually thinking about the girls to help them?

If that’s the case, since she’s a master level mage, she should be able to bring those girls out easily. Even when it’s not the time for transporting people.

Is she afraid of the cult? Or maybe it’s even worse. She’s making a faction inside the cult without the cult knowing anything about it.

If that faction is against the cult, I might be able to ask her to cooperate with us. But if that faction is only for that master level mage’s satisfaction, it’s better to just kill them all.

I can only know later after hearing a bit more about them. I hope she won’t find us out. Good thing there’s no expert level mage among them. Even the wind mage is just at advanced level and won’t be able to sense us. There’s no way they can find me as long as I keep my distance.

“Earth could be worse for you girls even if you don’t return with men. There’s nothing you can do. The work you can do over there won’t be any different from what you do here. That’s why I train you so you can at least be a hunter if you return. Just like your seniors who have returned before you,” the master level mage said.

“Yes! They must be doing well as hunter! I don’t want to be a prostitute even on Earth. But I also don’t want to stay here not knowing when I will die.”

“But Master, what about you? You don’t want to leave this world and return back to Earth?” someone asked.

The master level mage smiled after hearing that.

“No. I will stay here and teach other girls so they can learn other skills. Not everyone has talent like you girls. Even other people couldn’t see your talent. That’s why you were sent to this place. I will help all the girls first until everyone can survive on their own,” the master level mage said.

The others looked at the master level mage as if they are worshiping her. But there’s only one thing in my mind.

Suspicious! She’s extremely suspicious!

What teaching women skills to survive? She can just force a summoner to open a portal to let everyone to leave. Unless she’s afraid of something.

But from her reaction after watching her for a while, she’s not afraid of anything. In fact, she’s way too confident with what she said.

What is she planning? I guess I can only know after I follow her later in the base.

Suddenly, the girl who have been too timid before started speaking. She hasn’t spoke a word at all before.

“Umm... Master, have you heard about the rumor?” she asked.

“What rumor?”

“There’s this thing that every staffs of the inn near the wall is talking about. That soon, someone will come and save us all. We’re all going to be transported by a summoner who is not related to the cult soon to safety. Everyone is talking about this.”

“Everyone?” the master level mage asked.

“Well, just the girls. There’s no men who knows about it. And soon, the rumor will spread to all the girls who lives closer to the center. I suppose it’s fine to tell you about it. It’s just secret for men and those who are loyal to the cult. And since Master is teaching us to survive once we leave this world, I’m sure we can trust you.”

“Oh, I heard about that to. While I was escorting a man a few days go, I overheard about it from the girls talking in a black alley with my wind magic. I thought they started to go crazy. But if everyone is talking about it, maybe we need to learn more about this. Maybe that person can truly help us out of here,” someone added in.

Thus the girls are now talking about the rumors I had the Community of Victims spread. That those who wish for safety will prepare to leave after given a signal. Though I haven’t even prepared the signal yet.

“Is that true? Well, if it is, then we should be able to get that information soon. So there’s someone helping the girls, huh? That’s good.”

I don’t think she meant that word. Now that she has heard the rumor, there would be many people unable to leave this world if she’s actually loyal to the cult. But why is she acting like that? Helping other girls and gaining their favors.

Whatever the case, I don’t care. There might just be more casualties than expected. But that doesn’t matter to me.

More importantly, I need to follow that woman back to the base. If she’s working with someone else, she will meet them after hearing of the rumor.

I keep following them fighting monsters. They also continued talking but there’s nothing important in what they’re talking about. Only about what they will do after they return back to Earth.

And the whole time, the master level mage seems to be thinking hard about something. Must be about the rumor.

Since they no longer talking about something important, I decided to prank her.

I gain my distance from her, and when I’m in the forest, I looked at her in the eye. She noticed me looking at them. and instead of making her move to protect the others, she didn’t do anything and just focus on me who is watching her.

Soon after, they retreat back to the direction of the base. That’s good. I don’t want to wait for too long for them to return back to the base since I want to keep following after that master level mage.

...Again, that sounds so weird even if the word stalking is changed into following. Whatever. I’ll find out about her soon after this.

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