Plundering in the Apocalypse

Chapter 77 Zephyair's Trial !?

(A.N - Okay guys, This is the start of a new event. Hope you enjoy it.)


In a place a little away from Aston city and inside the Khalsa range, a group of 6 could be seen walking steadily. They had weapons and looked like awakeneds but the interesting thing was a blue crystal ball at the hand of a hooded man who also seems to be the one leading the group. Although he was not the actual leader.

He has hired this team for his support and this mission where he is searching for something. Most of the information was hidden only that they needed to find a strange cave.

The members of the team had wary looks on their faces. It was obvious what they were going to do is very dangerous. They kept up with it because the rewards will be good. But was it worth the risk?

They had been going around these mountains for 2 days and fought a lot of strong monsters. Although their survival capabilities and Combat strength were improving a lot. They need rest as they were physically and mentally exhausted.

But after all the efforts and constant fights, all of them were able to improve tremendously. The average level of the team was 30. Highest being 34, He was the leader of the team. The lowest level member of the team (LVL 28) was a support with buff ability.

He can buff the attack power and defense of his allies and himself. Although he was useless in a fight without attack skills. His support was very good and needed by the team.

The level of the hooded guy was unknown.

The story goes like this the hooded guy got his hand on a certain item (That Crystal) which seems to be the key to somewhere and with that same crystal, he was able to locate the direction of what he was searching for.

They all had a feeling that this guy was hiding something from them. But they couldn\'t complain and he was giving them a lot of money for this job.

Soon they stopped in front of an odd-looking cave. That cave gave off a dreadful feeling. A large quantity of Mana was emitting from it.

"Everyone get ready. Be careful, we may face a very strong monster." All the members got alerted by their leader\'s words.

As they went inside they came across many wolves. They were not normal beasts, they were Mad Wolves. They are also a type of monster.

They were not the animals that evolved after consuming mana. Yes, animals of this world can also evolve and get powerful. But not much is known about that. Only the fact that some fishes and animals had mana when the awakeneds ate them.

This was enough to bring forth this hypothesis.

The team killed off those monsters with their absolute teamwork. Their weapons were very durable.

After walking a few minutes and killing these wolves they came across a large chamber. It had an altar at the center.

But when the team members looked at the giant serpent statue at the top of the altar which was about 20 meters tall and looked very ferocious they shivered in fear.

They were uneasy seeing that they were this afraid of just a statue. They soon calmed down but they were still a little wary of the statue. It looked very real. Almost as if it was a trap laid down to attract the prey and finish it.

Seeing everyone\'s admiring looks. The hooded guy smirked but he hid the smile and shouted.

"Stop wasting time and follow me. This isn\'t the reason I paid so much money to you guys." The Hooded guy said with an irritated tone.

Everyone frowned at his words. They felt like his tone has changed a lot more than before when they entered the cave.

They all dismissed this thought thinking that this client was very impatient and probably wants to end this sooner.

They followed after him but still were a little annoyed at his rude tone. But the thought of good money calmed them down.

They were going to be paid a million Keros just to accompany this guy and complete his mission to obtain what he wants. It was a great deal for them. Who wanted to start their guild as soon as they can. So this money will support them a lot.

"Follow me and do as I say." The hooded guy then led them to go toward the strange altar with weird symbols on its surface on all sides. These ancient engravings gave off an indescribable feeling.

They gulped as they followed that guy\'s instructions.

"All of you stand at those symbols from left to right, respectively." The hooded guy said.

At his words, everyone felt uneasy.

"There was nothing like that specified in the contract." The leader of the team said.

"What are you talking about? The contract specified that you guys will help me obtain what I want and I will pay. Didn\'t we agree on this?" The hooded guy said in a harsh tone.

Hearing his words everyone thought that he was indeed right. Although they didn\'t like this they had to do this for money.

\'Wait until I get the money out of you and once my guild has more influence I will teach you a lesson.\' The leader of the group thought he didn\'t like this guy\'s harsh attitude.

Soon they walked and stood at those engravings as instructed. They felt weird about why does this guy know such things but couldn\'t ask this question.

Seeing everyone in position the hooded guy smirked in satisfaction. He walked toward the slate in front of the snake statue and put the crystal in the hole present there.

The leader felt very uneasy and his instinct told him something was wrong. He didn\'t wait and shouted.


"Too bad you are late." The hooded guy said as barriers formed around them and now they can\'t escape

"Shit, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" The leader shouted at the hooded guy.

"Although you are smart but too bad. It\'s no use now." The hooded guy said he looked at the statue and cut his finger to drop his blood on the slate.

The slate started emitting white light and soon after the room was filled with the dazzling white light.

As the light dimmed a moment later the place turned completely silent.

Two white hollow eyes looked at everyone inside the chamber as the team hired by the hooded guy was now sweating bullets. They pissed their pants in terror.

The large statue that they saw earlier is now alive. With green scales all over his body. Terrifying white eyes and a skeletal face. A mouth big enough to swallow a large bear in a single bite. Maybe even more.

(A.N - There\'s a picture in the paragraph comment and the chapter comments.)

As it stood observing everything the pressure turned to normal. But everyone knew that this monster is probably holding back a lot.

Even the hooded guy was breathing heavily.

[Are you the one to awaken me from my deep slumber?]


The hooded guy replied as he took off his hood to not anger the monster in front of him or show any form of disrespect. It was none other than Leonard Drake, the regressor.

[My name is Zephyair. I am the guardian of these ruins. Are you here for the trial?]

"Yes, I am." Said, Leonard as he brought forth the Blooded Khalsa in front of the mighty Zephyair. Leonard did his best to not look weak in front of the guardian.

In his last life, this was something he always wished to have. The one who obtained this power rose to be one of the strongest awankends. He was just an F rank and obtained the power 2 years after the cataclysm. He was called the \'Immortal King\'.

But this time Leonard will have that power. \'Now the next words.\'

[I will give you two choices.

1 - You defeat me and save your friends\' lives as well as get the power I wish to bestow.

2 - You kill and betray your friends and get the same reward without fighting me. Of course, there will be a curse on that power.]

[So what will you choose?]

Hearing the monster\'s words all the team members shivered in fear. Now they all understood their generous reward was just a trap. The hooded guy brought them here to kill them as a sacrifice to obtain power.

They never believed in the first option as no one has the power to defeat the guardian. It was indeed true. Zephyair was far above level 300 and this was only a clone. The real one is far stronger than this.

Leonard already knew that fact and he won\'t face this monster. He didn\'t want to wait till reaching a level where he can defeat the monster he had no problem killing some people and he knew he can find a way to remove the curse. So he didn\'t think that was a problem for him. The guy from his last life must have also betrayed his teammates but there was no proof. Now Leonard has confirmed it.

"I\'ll take option two."

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