Plundering in the Apocalypse

Chapter 79 New Policies And The Appearance.

Finally, the wait was over. As the anchor on the TV started his briefing.

After the long explanation and reasons behind it. These were the main points that came into focus.

•A basic foundation for \'Unity law\' was created as the common law in every country with the flexibility to implement alteration accordingly.

•Use of a common currency was decided between all the nations.

Unicoins - a currency decided by the united front of all the human countries. The new currency can be exchanged in the nearest banks and the electronic money will be automatically converted. (1$= 10 U.C)

•Ah of course. Few countries were opposed to it and disregarded the policy stating their independence. They were removed from the united front and ceased any support from the other countries.

•Regarding awakeneds, full support should be provided to them. For creating plausible relations \' Awakened Association\' was established to watch and monitor awakeneds under the government\'s supervision.

No one knew the real motives behind this decision. But one thing was certain the government was afraid to lose its power because of the influence of Awakeneds. So they had to put a leash on them.

They had made it compulsory for every awakened to register with their ability, rank, and type. To gain the benefits and not be considered a criminal.

"Wow, isn\'t that too strict?" Shin shook his head in disbelief.

\'They are trying to get information on every awakeneds and recruit good candidates for themselves.\'

•Measures regarding removing restrictions on awakeneds in different countries for smooth function and ample supply of resources for them.

\'This is good I think.\' Shin thought. It was great to get resources with the government\'s support. \'But I don\'t think everything is as simple as it seems.\'

•Monster monitoring department- their focus will be to estimate monster attacks and find out their weaknesses.

•Establishment of various Research centers for the exclusive purpose of finding uses for new resources and their implementation.

This was the official start of the organization C.U.B.E.S.



Bio organisms



This was an organization made by a large number of Magic engineers, Researchers, Alchemists, Herbalists, Item appraisers, Builders, and many other non-combatant awakeneds. With the support of many governments and countries. The Cubes were established in all other respective countries.

[C.U.B.E.S had developed this miraculous healing potion, Cure drugs, and pills. Currently, many magical weapons are being produced with the monster parts-]

The anchor continued explaining the amazing achievements of CUBES.

But the world\'s shocking invention by them was finding a new source of energy. Mana and monster cores.

They were able to refine mana and monster cores into the form of energy which was far more useful than any other.

They were sure a new era for humans was going to start. An era with countless discoveries and miracles.

They had also approved the establishment of several agencies which were coming upfront.

Cleaner agencies. Which will be focused on cleaning the monster corpses.

Dismantle agencies - for dismantling monster corpses and taking useful material from them.

Evaluation agencies, Crafter agencies, and many other several businesses.

After that, the reporter continued explaining the Unity law to the public and the safety measures.

As the news ended Shin sighed. His focus was on one thing that caught his attention. Registration of awakeneds will take place after a week. It is compulsory for everyone.

\'Haah, I don\'t wanna reveal my powers. Good thing I got Shadow Veil. But.\' Shin thought as he looked at Alice. \'What about her? The SSS rank awakened. It will be chaos. I better find a solution fast.\'

Shin and his family had a nice meal. Shin and Alice got a lot closer than before and Alice was very happy with this development. After Alice\'s confession. Shin started seeing Alice more as a woman. He also started developing feelings for her. So he also tried getting close.

Shin went to his room and as he sat in his bed he heard his phone ringing. He saw it was Simon. Shin smiled and picked it up.

"Hey, Simon."

[Shut up you bastard. You didn\'t call me once in the last three days.]

Shin got embarrassed. To be honest he forgot. Being with Alice made his days a lot more fun. But he can\'t tell that to Simon.

"My bad, I went to a dungeon and was training for the last two days. So I couldn\'t call you." Shin uttered. While his face didn\'t have an ounce of regret on them.

[Well, if you are okay then it\'s fine. So how was your dungeon experience?]

"Not too bad, it was fine," Shin replied thinking that the monsters were weak.

[Not too bad huh? You must have fought the weakest ones. Considering your personality.] Simon smirked.

"Yeah, they were very weak," Shin replied thinking how easily he defeated those monsters.

[... If you want to level up fast you need to find the strong ones, bro. Well, it\'s good to not rush into things. I\'ll level up fast and form a party with you so you will be safe.] Simon said with a smug smile.

Shin smiled. His best friend was a great man. Suddenly he felt guilty for not caring about him much. \'I promise to make it up to you.\'

[...Are you there?]

"Yeah, I was just shocked by your kindness," Shin replied while musing.

[Of course, I am the kindest being in existence. Hahaha.] Simon laughed.

Shin shook his head.

[Oh, by the way, I and Elena will soon come to meet you. The subways are also starting now.]

"Great, I also want to see you guys."

They continued talking for some time.

[You know what? The Builder Awakeneds are awesome. They can make strong buildings in minutes.]

"Wow, is that true?"

[Yeah, have you heard of reinforcement magic? The new buildings and houses are reinforced with magic. They are very strong. It\'s just that it\'s very costly.]

"Well, that\'s understandable."

They talked about a few more stuff and ended the call. As usual, Shin checked the forums for any useful information he could get.

After browsing for some time Shin continued his practice and was able to control all the abilities above the C rank very proficiently. The lower ones at only the basic.

He didn\'t want to increase the proficiency of lower rank abilities.

With that, the day came to an end.


That night something unexpected transpired. An earthquake happened which continued for a few minutes.

Shin woke up worriedly and went downstairs only to find the anxious faces of his family members.

"What going on?" Shin asked.

"We don\'t know," Reina replied.

"I just hope it\'s not another big problem," Alfred muttered anxiously.

But soon the earthquake calmed down. It returned to normal like it never occurred. Some people even believed that they were mistaken but the people of the city center didn\'t.

What they were seeing made it very clear that it was not something small.

Alfred called his company and started talking with them.


Shin heard his phone ring. He pick it up to see it was Simon video calling him.

[SHIN. Can you see that.]

As soon as Simin said that he turned his camera for Shin to have a full view. Simon was now at the city center. After the earthquake, he came to hear as he heard a commotion from the people in his neighborhood.

"Oh my God." As Shin saw through the video call his eyes widened in shock. He called others to see it too.

A large massive structure appeared in the city center. It looked like a temple with a single large gate that looked ancient. On both sides of the temple, there were large slates. On one side something was written in an unknown language while the other side was empty.

It gave off a majestic feeling.

[I\'ve never seen anything like that before] Simon said while he continued showing this to Shin.

"This shows that the world is not the same one we knew before," Alfred said in amazement.

Shin\'d eyes were serious as he was looking at the massive structure on his phone. This structure gave him the same feeling he got from the weird dream that he had.

This was not the only structure that appeared. 20 same structures appeared all around the world.

The same chaos could be seen everywhere.

Alfred got ready as he had to head to his office.

"I\'ll be back later." He didn\'t wait to see the whole structure from Shin\'s phone.

"See you soon dad," Shin said as he saw Alfred getting ready to leave.

"Be careful honey," Reina said as Alfred replied while rushing outside the door.

"I will be. See you later guys."

After Alfred left Shin and the others continued looking at the structure through Shin\'s phone.

"What even is that?" Shin said in a puzzling tone.

Simon walked a little closer and got a system notification. He read through it and got the answer to Shin\'s question.

"It\'s a Labrinth," Simon replied.

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