Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 374 - Blinding Flash

Within this sea of demons, Ming Yue could not be caught. With everyone else fighting further away, she was deep behind enemy lines, rather she was in the thick of it.

"That\'s the three hundredth one." 

In her mind, Xue Yue counted the kills, announcing each milestone as it came. For Ming Yue, she just fought and killed nonstop. 

But the element of surprise was lost and the opponents only grew stronger. Most of them were somewhere around the Human and Earth Realm and with their bloodlines activated, their strength varied from the lower stages to the upper ones. After all, demons didn\'t follow the same systems as humans, their strength depends on their bloodlines. 

The purer their bloodlines became, the stronger they would be, such a process required constant battle and cultivation. For some, they had been strong since birth and for others, it required years of cultivation and suitable environments.

But none of that mattered to her, she was focused, only looking for the next enemy.

In the end, these demons only had their bloodlines, the equipment they wore could not compare to the Peak- Divine Grade sword, Drifting Sky. 

That blade constantly moved, dying in fresh blood every second as Ming Yue never stood still. 

True to her style, she was unpredictable and she was quick. Vanishing and reappearing, she would be in one place for a moment before attacking somewhere else.  But when the explosions came, her head snapped towards the direction go the noise as what followed was the harrowing roar of the Silver Fur Ape. 

"What happened?" 

Her eyes focused on the smoke and dust that blew up. 

"I have to get there!"

Ming Yue changed course, charging through the demons from behind, massacring them. But there were too many demons and they knew her intentions. 

"That human trying to retreat! Get her!" one of them yelled out. 

Suddenly, the pressure on her grew higher as the demons became more reckless and wild. They swarmed around her only to be chopped down in one or two swings. 

"Damn it, it\'s too early to use Pale Moon!"

She had only just entered the battle, not wanting to use this trump card to run back. Seeing her getting surrounded by even more demons, Xiao Yin chirped and hooted before diving down. Hearing the warning, Hei Yue quickly returned to Ming Yue\'s side.

Her claws lashed out, sending down dozens of rays of starlight. Then Xiao Yin\'s body began to glow with a white light as energy gathered around her. Growing brighter and brighter, the gray feathered owl flew down and spread her wings apart as she landed on top of Ming Yue\'s head. And the power she gathered in her body burst out into a blinding light.*

"My eyes! My eyes!"

"Agh, it burns! What happened?! What happened?!"

All the demons that looked found themselves blinded, clutching their eyes as they fell to the ground. In fact, everyone within several hundred meters had gone blind to some extent. Those closest to it had blood leaking from the cracks. 

But Ming Yue was not affected for she did not look directly at the light nor did Xiao Yin direct to her. All that she saw was a flash of light before she felt Xiao Yin perch on her shoulder. When the light vanished, the young cultivator saw hundreds of demons wriggling in pain. Suddenly, she had space to move but it was not enough.

"Even if I run again, I\'ll be stopped by the countless other demons. But this, I can work with. Thank you, Xiao Yin."

The owl gave a proud chirp before flying off.

With all of this open space, Ming Yue flew up without having to fear any attacks from below. Gazing at the situation, she saw the devastation caused by the cannons before identifying those very weapons. The demons worked quickly to load them for a second round but such a thing would not come to pass. 

"Blasting Gale."

Pointing her sword at the six cannons, she formed not one but ten of them and without missing a beat, they flew off. Soaring through the air, these Blasting Gales shot forth and crashed into the cannons. A wave of explosions were set off as the cannons discharged when they were destroyed. 

Screams of the demons filled the air as the fire and shrapnel mutilated their bodies. Hundreds were caught in the attack and many were heavily injured. Suddenly, the front line began to crumble but Ming Yue wasn\'t done yet.

With that flash of light, it seemed as if everyone was notified of her existence and the hundreds that took after her became thousands. 

"Kill that human! They destroyed the cannons!"

"How did she get so far into our ranks?!"

"Kill them! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

They chanted as demons charged after her, their weapons rose up in the air, ready to strike her down. She had long known that they would go after her and she acted accordingly. Looking at them, her eyes turned cold and solemn as she raised her other hand up. A wind lance formed every second until a hundred hovered above her, all of them pointed straight down at the ground. 

All of them charged without a care, their own aim was to kill her. She waited for them to come closer. 

Three hundred meters. Two hundred meters. One hundred meters.


When they were just fifty meters from her location, her hand went down and all one hundred lances fell from the skies. All at once, they hit the ground and exploded in a blast of wild winds. None of the demons had a chance to even turn back in fear as their bodies were shredded apart. 

In seconds, she created a field of blood and mangled flesh. The ground was riddled with holes and cracks from which that very blood collected itself. 

"That\'s the thousandth one", said Xue Yue. 

Ming Yue looked down at it all, finding the scene a bit unsettling to her. This was the first time, she had seen so much blood. However, now was not the time for this, there was still fighting to be had. After that show of force, the demons grew somewhat hesitant now. In a single move, she killed hundreds of their comrades. 

What she had done captured the attention of everyone. 

Nie Xia couldn\'t help but smile at her. 

"To think we\'d have such talent!"

He gave out a hearty laugh, impressed by her strength. Elder Shu was silent but his eyes showed nothing but joy from Ming Yue\'s help. 

In the skies above, Matron Shuang had long noticed Ming Yue\'s appearance but this was the first time she had seen her fight. Even if she didn\'t show it, she was smiling at this. 

"Someone with the scent of a True Dragon is certainly an extraordinary person", she thought.

As for Kong Zhi, he too had seen the scale of Ming Yue\'s attack. 

"That human... she\'s going to be a problem. I might have to send another section of the army, along with Shi Hou."

Quickly, he began to rethink his plans, having not considered the appearance of someone like Ming Yue. In the end, he was not very flustered, this was only a portion of his force. He did not need to exhaust them all just yet, not when he would have to deal with the Five Armies as well. 

"Sixty thousand out of two hundred thousand now... hmmm."

"What? Are you worried?" the Matron asked in a mocking manner. 

Kong Zhi smiled as he turned his attention back to the dragon before him. 

"Not really, I have men to spare and plenty of strength. If they can\'t do it, I can just do kill that human myself."

Back to the ground, Ming Yue looked at the wary looks of the demons and began to form a Blasting Gale.. If they weren\'t going to attack, she would. 

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