Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 728 728 Grim Encounter

Chapter 728 Chapter 728 Grim Encounter

"Die, you fucking monster!" The warriors of the Black Company screamed their rage. They did not break easily in the face of absolute strength of this cute piglet.

It was easy to see that they indeed trained men who did not blink against the close promise of death on them.







Their figures were fast and furious as they dismounted from their horses almost at the same time. Although the horse was equally quick like them but it was too rigid on its attack.

Dodging while on it would be the dream of a fool. They brought their weapons up and their bodies bloomed into a blinding radiance.

It gave off different colors which made the scene even more striking than how it truly was.

If this battle was done in the inky darkness of the night, these warriors would have no trouble fighting in that kind of environment at all.

This was of course the great benefits of wearing these enchanted armors. Unfortunately, they had met with this cute piglet today.



"DING!" No weapon got close enough to hit the fat layers of the cute piglet\'s skin. Its speed was absolutely unimaginable.

"PUCHI!" And with every miss, another head would find freedom from the shoulders that carried it.

"Don\'t hesitate! Kill this fucking pig now!" The leader of the warriors yelled his command but he was quite a distance away from the action.

In retrospect, this might have been the reason for his immediate demise.

"YES!" The warriors adhered to the call of their leader and charged bravely into death. Luckily for them, our cute piglet has found itself another target entirely.

"WHOOSH!" A sneaky figure blurred into motion and bypassed the bodies of the pawns. It wanted to go directly to the king in order to provide an early checkmate on the board.

\'I can\'t die like this!\' The leader screamed in his mind and did his best to run and evade at the same time. He knew that the enemy was after his head.

"WHOOSH!" The warrior leader rolled to the left, crouched low, and checked his body for injury.

When he found out that he was still in one piece, a sense of relief flooded from the tip of his hair down unto his littlest toes.

He was happy to see that the cute piglet went on for other prey after missing him.

"..." The warrior leader looked around the carnage that was happening before him and this time around he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. He learned his lesson in the past.

Thus, he silently turned around and wished to escape this catastrophe. The leader of this group was willing to sacrifice his men just for him to live some more.

"THUD!" Unfortunately for this warrior leader, he head dropped sideways before he could ever take his 3rd step away from the battlefield.

"Am i dead?" This was the warrior leader\'s last thoughts before everything eventually became dark.

Perhaps the only consolation he would get on this tragic day was that he would not go out alone in this world.







Heads kept flying up until more than half of these one thousand warriors laid dead in the field.

"Fuck this shit! I did not sign up to be killed by a fucking pig!" The first warrior finally broke under this extreme pressure.

No matter what they did, they just could not hit the fucking piglet in their midst. It was like they were fighting with a slippery ghost. This warrior ran and got the nearest horse on the side.

He then left his friends and comrades without looking back. Not once. And this caused a chain reaction that made the rest also scramble for the exit.

But how could the cute piglet let anyone get away from its sight? These were free food waiting to be delivered from unto its bottomless belly. Thus, the hunt began.

It did not need telling that everyone who came had indeed ended up devoured to the last piece.







The refugees of Far Water Town saw this traumatic meal and some of them could not help but puke their guts out in the aftermath.

They could not believe that this seemingly cute piglet could become this bloodthirsty before them.

Not even a strand of hair or a misplaced nail was left of the enemies as only one thousand pristine and shining armors and weapons was left of their passing.

It did not need telling that even the blood that spilled on the ground was magically siphoned into the greedy stomach of this cute little piglet.

The same fate of the horse riders was also suffered unto the armored horses.

But the process of eating a thousand human bodies and an equal number of horses was definitely too hard to depict.

"Monster!" This was the only word that everyone could describe upon our bored gamer\'s pet. There was no doubt that most of them would get nightmares about this grim encounter.

The cute piglet looked left and right but found no more reason for it to stay.

"WHOOSH!" With a single kick of its agile feet, it was gone in but an instant.

A few minutes later, the town guards of Far Water Town finally emerged from the background. Just like the rest, they had seen how a cute piglet had enjoyed its meal in broad daylight.

They walked slowly as if they were afraid to be the next food on the plate. Nevertheless, they had their orders from Old Alfred.

"Move back!" A brave guard kept everyone in line. Before long, they were taking the scattered magical armors and weapons in the place.

They believed that this would provide them much help in the days to come. They even took the armors of the fallen horses too.

During this silent gathering, a voice of unbelief finally rocked everyone\'s senses.

"We won? We killed them?" A man started to mutter to himself. He repeated the words over and over again until it grew momentum and volume with each passing recurrence.

It did not take for him long to be shouting these words out in the open. His passion was burning out brightly for everyone to see.

"WE WON! WE KILLED THEM!" The man was both laughing and crying at the same time. This hysteria was infectious indeed.







And thousands of people began chanting this declaration of victory.

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