Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem

Chapter 188 7: Training

Today Raven planned to train with Evelyn and her chimaera before heading into the dungeon with Lilith, Armina and Evelyn regarding that strange monster or whatever she mentioned.

"Now, you\'ve been going to the dungeon for over a month; let me see your progress in pure physical abilities; first, let\'s see Ram\'s strength since we last met!" 

The small Ram stepped forward, her slim body now with quite a nice balance of plump meat and muscle while her messy blue hair was now in a side ponytail, and behind her growing from the top of her ass, was the long tail with a sharp spike on the end.

"Are you ready, Ram?" He asked, taking a stance, his tall, muscular body more than triple her size in muscle mass and towering over her.

She took a stance, her tail wagging excitedly.

Raven grinned and then shot forward, bringing his arm back to punch her in the stomach; his arm pulled back before it could touch her skin, the force behind his arm making his hair whip about as he grinned; his body had moved with such speed, it looked like his arm was a blur.

Ram didn\'t even move; it was like he hadn\'t hit her, which he hadn\'t, and the only thing that happened was his arm was pushed back by an invisible force.


That was an illusion, as her body began to vanish and a sharp spike pierced towards the back of his neck.


He turned, grabbing the spike before it could penetrate his skin and lifting it easily, Ram\'s small, cute face staring back at him.

"Well, well, what a good feint."

The spike vanished in his hand as the little demon smirked and jumped backwards, landing next to the others.

"Impressive; you\'ve all come a long way; the only thing you haven\'t had is combat experience against real opponents."

The girl looked at him curiously.

\'Amazing, this girl\'s power isn\'t an illusion, but much like Lilith\'s Blossom step, each attack is real, but in the split moment I grabbed her, she switched with another of her afterimages. What a lovely girl!\'

"Ram, your physical strength isn\'t impressive, but you\'ve not trained in martial arts or magic spells, which leads to your body\'s natural defences being too weak, but movement and that technique are worth mastering! From tomorrow onwards, you will train with me for 2 hours in the morning to build strength and power!"

"Understood." The girl replied, a big smile on her face as she nodded.

"Now then, the other girls?"

Raven smiled at them, causing their heartbeats to increase rapidly as his eyes landed on Tenra.

"Tenram, your sharp claws were quite amusing before; how they sharpen or extend; let me see your growth!" Raven petted the soft buttocks of Ram, who chirped, hopping away with a red face as she passed him.

While his eyes now focused on the black-haired eastern beauty with almond-coloured eyes.

"I look forward to it." Tenra bowed before taking a stance, her claws extending from her fingertips, and with a slight movement, her muscles bulged before she disappeared, reappearing behind him.

She swung her arm down, a black light flashing as Raven grinned.

"Not bad." He whispered, the slash hitting an afterimage as he punched her in the side, sending her crashing into a nearby boulder.

Tenra stood up, spitting blood, her eyes full of determination as her body began to shift.

Her arms began to change as a dark-red armour-like exoskeleton grew around her body, forming a shell.

"Interesting, so you\'ve got some interesting powers as well, huh?" Raven commented, seeing her horns extend and her nails turn into claws.

\'How interesting, so this girl has a demonic form while Ram and can control shadows, while the other has the blood element, and the final one seems to have the ice element; how interesting, I must test both their limits later, for now, let\'s have a bit of fun!\'

With his thoughts done, his body seemed to vanish, a gust of wind the only thing left behind as he appeared in front of the shocked Tenra, his fist slamming into her face, sending her head crashing into the ground.

Tenra\'s body trembled as Raven lifted her, grasping her soft buttocks like a ripe peach, squishing her fleshy meat before placing her on a soft bed at the side of the gym.

"Good girl, take a rest," he whispered.

"That was awesome!" Evelyn cheered.

"It seems my new body is pretty strong, huh?" Tenra grinned, wiping away the blood from her mouth; she realised that while it looked bad, his punch removed the power to a small blow near the end as she watched his back, feeling the warmth of his hands on her chest and buttocks, feeling a burning heat in her stomach. 

Without waiting for Raven to call her out, Varis lunged at him, her bright red hair swaying in the wind as she started casting magic, with her long scaled tail whipping around as her long canine teeth grew sharper.

"I will not lose." She declared, swinging her tail and sending three sharp spikes towards his head.

"Good, that\'s the attitude to have," he whispered, grabbing her tail, spinning her around, and tossing her to the floor.

Varis didn\'t stop. However, her scales shifted as her entire body turned a bright red.

\'How interesting.\'

As he thought, the dragon girl\'s eyes seemed to change as she lunged forward, her claws slashing through the air and her scales hardening, forming a shell over her body.

\'So, this girl is the one who controls fire.\'

Raven grinned, dodging the slashes, grabbing her leg, as she began to vomit fire at his face before tossing her towards the ground, sending her crashing to the floor with a thud.

"I-Impossible." The dragon girl coughed, her face covered in dust as her body returned to normal, her scales softening and returning to normal.

"Good girl, take a rest," Raven said, petting her head, watching the girl nod and return to the bench with a grin.

"What a good girl, so what should we do with the remaining girls?" Raven grinned.

Akki and Tor\'Syl were watching, their eyes filled with lust and desire for battle.

"Do you both want to come at once?" He teased.

Akki, the tallest of the group, with sharp mantis-like blades on the outside of her arms, as she stood from the bench while Tor\'Syl sulked but still got up with bright pink hair, two large horns growing from her forehead and tusks from the corner of her mouth, her green skin was lovely and smooth as the orc stepped beside Akki ready to fight him.

\'What a lively bunch of girls; they seem more than happy to take any chance. What lovely girls.\'

"Let\'s start, girls," Raven whispered, vanishing from his spot and appearing in front of them; the two girls\' eyes widened in shock.

Raven grinned, bringing his right fist forward, punching the orc\'s chest with a heavy punch.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" The girl screeched as the air was knocked out of her lungs, but her abdomen tightened, and she only shifted slightly before her fist flashed through the air.

"Impressive," he said, moving his head to the side and grabbing the fist, his fingers sinking deep into her skin as he twisted her arm with a flick of his wrist.

"That was fun; I\'m a satisfied, good girl," Raven whispered, his hand rubbing her ass while almost kissing the orc\'s neck.

He knew what she wanted, and so teased her even more before gently tossing her aside and catching the mantis woman who was attacking with her sharp blades, her large breasts rubbing against his arm as she stared at him with her fierce eyes.

"Not bad; you are also doing very well." He said, petting her ass.

"Mantis blades are quite fun, but you should have trained more in hand-to-hand combat."

Akki grinned and nodded.

"I know."

Raven smiled and threw her towards the orc girl, watching her crash to the floor.

"You girls have done well; take a rest."

He grinned, but two legs attacked him rapidly before he could speak against it; Lilith\'s strength increased as she vanished before sending another blow into his back. Evelyn\'s body was like a mist, constantly attacking with a barrage of blows, which surprised him.

"Nice one, you both have improved a lot, but..."

Lilith and Evelyn grinned as their bodies seemed to glow slightly, Lilith\'s white and Evelyn\'s black aura growing rapidly.

"It\'s not over yet."

"Oh, this is getting interesting."

Raven laughed, feeling his power grow as the girls fought him, their movements fast, explosive, and powerful as they grew faster and stronger, the aura around their body thickening and becoming denser.

Their punches and kicks could be heard through the mansion, and many vampires and women stopped and ran over to watch.

"So, he\'s fighting his harem, huh? How wonderful."

"They are doing pretty well, aren\'t they? Even though he is so strong, he isn\'t using his full strength. I can tell that he is holding back."

"It seems that his powers have grown a lot."

He felt Lilith\'s growth, her body like a constant shade, stabbing rapidly with her fists and tail all in different spots, trying to open up a spot for Evelyn\'s showy attacks to land a heavy blow.

"Impressive, you girls have done quite well. I am impressed by your improvement."

"We aren\'t finished yet!" Evelyn yelled.

"Right, I won\'t use all my strength, but I will use a little; it\'s about time you saw what you can expect when you go to the dungeon\'s deeper layers."

Lilith and Evelyn grinned, their bodies glowing brightly as the power in their auras grew rapidly, the mana around them exploded like a geyser, and the ground beneath their feet cracked under pressure.

"Too slow." 

Raven\'s hands grabbed their faces; there was no Dread Mantle his pure speed and power, grabbing them, he smashed both girls into the ground, causing the room to shake, both coughing up blood.

"Take a rest, and don\'t think you can keep up, I won\'t kill you, but you need to train and improve, and remember to train with the others. You won\'t be able to go deeper relying only upon your explosive mana or techniques."

The girls grinned and nodded.

"Yes, Sir!"

Raven smiled and petted their heads.

"Go rest; you all have a lot of work to do."

With that, they left, and he looked at the last two, Ram, the shadow chimaera and Toy\'Syl, the.

"Let\'s have a little fun, shall we?" He grinned.

"Let\'s have some fun, Sir."

"Let\'s fuck."

Both girls responded at the same time.

His hand reached down, squeezing the soft asses of the two girls and enjoying their moans.

The two girls\' eyes glowed brightly as their lust skyrocketed.

"Oh, I love how cute and obedient you are, Ram."

"I\'m also here." Toy\'Syl pouted, but he ignored her.

"Well then, shall we begin?"

"Of course, Master," Ram replied.

"Yes, let\'s have some fun." Toy\'Syl nodded, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and drooling.

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