500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 427 Half Angel And Half Cat God Baby!

The room was covered in gold, but I really didn\'t expect much less. Goldy led me in and then walked over to a bar in the corner of her room opposite her bed. It was pushed into the corner with steps leading up to it on two sides. There were also four posts and drapes that were tied back on the sides that had stairs.

"This is a beautiful room that you have here," I said as Goldy climbed up the stairs and opened a cabinet on the wall. She quickly grabbed a bottle of golden-colored alcohol and two glasses before coming back down.

"Yes, I do. Now, let us drink!" She exclaimed as she poured us each a glass and handed me one with a grin. "To our love, no matter what happens in this world! Cheers!"

I clinked my glass with hers before taking a sip of the sweet liquid that warmed me up inside out. It was really good stuff; it tasted like nectar or honey but with alcohol added to it. We talked for hours about things related to the card game Terra, her family, and how much we had changed since we first met many ages ago.

"Do you remember the first time that we ever met?" Goldy asked, adding, "I was born in a world where everyone lived underground because the surface of the planet was too hot!"

"How could I forget? My back still hurts! Crematoria was not one of my favorite worlds, but you and I did spend a lot of time together exploring the restricted caves we were told not to!" I laughed as Goldy filled my cup.

"Well, we both ended up dying in a cave like the King had warned," Goldy said, and I shrugged.

"You all lived underground. It wasn\'t a question of if it would happen; it was a matter of when the roof was going to cave in on you. I am pretty sure more people died from cave-ins than old age or anything else," I said as I took my glass back and had a drink. We were both quiet for a few moments before I finally asked, "So, what do you think of this game now that it\'s out and you have been able to play with other people?"

Goldy grinned and took a sip from her glass. "I think the game is great! It was fun exploring all of the cards and seeing how they interacted with each other. We did a lot of playtesting beforehand, but it was hard to catch everything. I hope to see it become more popular in different places! I honestly can\'t wait until we get some expansions; there are so many possibilities!" she said with excitement before taking another drink.

"That\'s awesome! Glad to hear it," I smiled and then downed my drink, and Goldy refilled our glasses again.

"How are things going over on the human island?" Goldy asked, and I grinned suddenly as I remembered Breya.

"Guess what?!" I asked excitedly, grabbing Goldy\'s hands.

"Hmm?" Goldy hummed and tipped her head.

"Breya is going to be having a baby!" I said excitedly, but Goldy raised an eyebrow.

"And? This isn\'t news," Goldy said, but I shook my head emphatically.

"No! She is having a little half Angel and half Cat God baby!" I exclaimed, and Goldy ripped her little hands out of mine as she put them to her mouth and gasped as everything sank in.

"Really?" Goldy said, and I nodded excitedly as I took a sip of my drink.

"Yes! It\'s going to be so cool when it is born; you have to come to see it!" I smiled, but Goldy was in tears.

"Does that mean that... we can have a baby?" Goldy asked in a shaking voice as the tears started to fall harder.

I set my drink down, moved over to kneel in front of the Dwarven Goddess, and pulled her into my arms. "Yes, Au. There is a short lineup, but it seems that it only takes a month for the babies to be born, but we are not sure yet."

Goldy hugged me back, and we stayed like that for a long time before pulling apart. "You know, I have what we call children, but they are just random women that could be close to me. Each one has a brief child-like state, but it isn\'t the same. I was always fine with it before, but lately, since you came back, along with my memories, I feel like there is a void in my life." Goldy said and then looked away as she wiped her eyes, but I just smiled.

"I am just glad that I can remember everything and you as well," I whispered and then leaned in to kiss Goldy gently on the lips before helping her up, "Let\'s celebrate a little more!"

Goldy laughed before grabbing my hand and leading me back over to the bar with one bottle of alcohol in tow. We talked for hours about our plans for our future child throughout the night until neither one of us could keep our eyes open any longer, and we slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling very hungover in Goldy\'s soft bed with her naked little body and very large breasts pressed into me. I rolled over and kissed her forehead, making her stir, and then I kissed her again, but this time I used some magic to detox both of our bodies. Goldy let out a sigh of relief as she opened her eyes and then looked up at me with a warm and loving smile.

"Thank you for that! Ah! I didn\'t even want to open my eyes to cast magic! You know the hanger is bad when I can\'t even open my eyes!" Goldy giggled, and I looked over at the bar, where there were six empty bottles, plus there was one on the table.

"I am pretty sure that would have killed most people several times over with what we drank last night, and I was feeling pretty rough as well. Since you provided the top-tier poisons, I decided I should at least supply the antidote," I chuckled, and Goldy kissed me and then disappeared under the blanket. "What are you doing?"

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