The Sage of Einar

Chapter 72 - Duncan's Childhood

Aila approached the two monks and looked at them with some curiosity because she did not understand why they had argued.

"Guys, I don\'t know why you\'ve argued, but you should settle your differences as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, it is quite dangerous for them to see them this way because they will think that they are not doing their job.

Besides, the Jarl wants you to bring four kegs of beer with Felipa since he wants to make some alcohol, also one of you must stay with the Jarl in the warehouse. "

Duncan and Angus turned to look at them, and with fake smiles walked towards the village.

Aila just looked at them with some bewilderment and shook her head.

For his part, Einar, who already had his wounds completely cleaned thanks to his handcuffs, got up from his chair and stretched his arms.

"Thank you for your care, but what do you think if you accompany me to the warehouse because I have to prepare the distribution of the loot."

Helmi and Kassia nodded to later stand up and take Einar\'s hands.

On the way, Max caressed Helmi\'s stomach "How are you carrying the effects of pregnancy."

Helmi who was feeling the warmth of Einar\'s hand on her stomach smiled "At the moment only the changes in attitude are what I have been able to feel the most during this time.

Not to mention that my desire to eat salicornia has increased, reaching the point that if I can\'t eat any salicornia during the day it makes me quite angry.

I\'m afraid our son or daughter will really like to eat vegetables and won\'t like meat very much. "

Max laughed at Helmi\'s words "That wouldn\'t be a bad thing because their father will do everything he can to ensure they have a full diet.

When the traders arrive in spring, I will see that they make more than one trip to our island, so that they can bring vegetables, seeds, animals, and especially slaves from the British Isles.

With all this, our quality of life will increase and when the little babies are born they will be able to enjoy a good childhood. "

Helmi used her hands to hold Einar\'s hand to her stomach "I know you will, I will never doubt your words."

Hearing those words, Einar stopped for a moment and gave Helmi a big kiss, then turned around and gave Kassia a kiss.

"You two have become something important to me and I will not tire of telling you that I will take care of you.

But since we are here I would like to ask you, Kassia, how do you get dizzy from pregnancy? "

Kassia with a look of affection hugged Einar\'s hand "I only suffered from a small attack of vertigo at night, although thanks to Helmi this did not last long.

Fortunately, the other pregnancy symptoms haven\'t bothered me much. "

Max looked at Kassia with some seriousness "Remember to tell me when you have a vertigo attack if they increase in intensity or the period in which they appear.

It can be a sign of something much more serious. In any case, if these continue to appear after your pregnancy, I will have to organize an expedition to Constantinople or Egypt.

In order to get Ginkgo Biloba, it is the only plant that I know that can help treat vertigo, but if the silk route does not have it.

Then I will have to make a trip to the Chinese empire to get it, I just don\'t know if I can trade with the Tang dynasty.

Its form of government differs greatly from that of any kind of government in Europe. "

Einar\'s words surprised Helmi because they did not know that it was Chinese or that it was the Tang dynasty, while Kassia had only a small idea because of the merchants of the silk route.

They always mentioned a great empire in the east, where there was a great deal of wealth, but she could never know anything about them except for the book that talks about reincarnation.

Max, who looked at their faces in surprise, knew that he had to explain a little about what he was talking about, so he very carefully took them by the waist and started walking.

"The Chinese empire is one of the oldest in mankind and also one of the most powerful, just to give an example.

When the Huns fought against Rome and its allies, there were not over one hundred thousand people fighting in the Chinese empire wars or revolts are handled in millions of people fighting.

Unfortunately, it would be a lie if I could give exact data since I do not know, but all these factors together with the fact that they are in one of the most fertile areas of Asia and its millenary history.

They make it difficult for a foreigner to establish relationships with them, but if it is for you or my children, there is no impossible. "

After walking for a while Max finished speaking and the three entered the warehouse they had just arrived at. It was then that Elin received them.

"It\'s good that you have arrived, Kassia, Helmi please follow me as I am going to take your measurements so I can make your wedding dresses with the bearskins that Einar brought.

By the way, Einar, the flute your father asked for should be on the way, I can\'t wait to hear the melody you\'re going to play when you distribute the loot. "

Those words made the two women rejoice as they now understood why Einar had brought them to the warehouse.

Without wasting time, the two women followed their mother-in-law, while Max was left alone, so he decided to start working to separate the loot

While this was happening in the great hall, Angus who had two barrels in his hands came out and placed them on a wooden wheelbarrow.

"Duncan, you have to hurry because we are late and if you are late to the warehouse, you can get in trouble with the Jarl."

Duncan, who came out of the great hall with two barrels in his hand, made a great effort to walk to the wooden wheelbarrow.

When he arrived, he made a great effort and left them on the wheelbarrow.

"I am a man of God in charge of transcribing his words, not a person in charge of transporting things."

Angus just shook his head and shook his head "You are a slave like me, if you don\'t work you don\'t eat, or worse you can die.

You should change your attitude because otherwise you will be killed, like that Viking who skinned alive, don\'t forget where you are. "

After saying those words, Angus carried the cart towards the tent where the infirmary was.

Duncan was so angry that he took a shortcut through the snow in order to get to the port warehouse as quickly as possible.

Duncan who was walking without paying attention did not notice that in front of him there was a ditch, so when he took a wrong step he fell into it.

With his face in the snow, Duncan remembered his childhood.

"You know what you\'ve done, you stupid Pictish boy!"

Shouted the village chief who was using a rope to hit little Duncan who was lying in the snow.

Who with his small hands only covered his face in a desperate attempt to prevent the rope from hitting his face.

The village chief kept hitting him with the rope until he got tired, so he spat at Duncan and left him lying in the cold snow.

Duncan, who was in the cold snow, waited for the village chief to leave before he could get up.

Bearing the pain all over his body and ignoring the blood that stained the snow, he got up from the snow and it was then that with his hands full of bruises he picked up the loaf of bread that the monk had given him before it was hung by the soldiers of the duke.

Hugging the loaf of bread with all his strength, he walked towards his house, which was on the outskirts of the town in a wooded area.

Every step she took hurt her, but she didn\'t want to stop because she had to take the loaf of bread to her mother who had returned beaten and naked.

After the duke took her away a few days ago, according to him, it was his right as a nobleman.

When he got home, a sense of security enveloped him. Even though the roof was broken and the wood was rotten, even if it was cold, it was home.

When he opened the wooden door, the first thing he did was look at his mother, who was lying on a straw bed and covered with snow.

So he walked towards her and with great care, he removed the snow that covered her. When he removed the snow he could see the blue and pale body of his mother.

Using his small hands, he tore a piece of bread from the loaf in his hands and placed it on his mother\'s purple lips.

"Mom, you have to eat, this loaf of bread was given to me by the village monk so that we could eat."

Duncan said who was waiting for his mother to eat the piece of bread, but as much as I hope she did not move.

So his tears came out of his eyes "Mom, you must eat please, if you go I would be alone."

But his words were not heard by the cold corpse of his mother, so little Duncan wept inconsolably as he rested his head on his mother\'s chest.

He continued crying in that cold and lonely place until when he calmed down he could remember the last words he heard from his mother before the duke\'s soldiers carried away.

"If something happens to me, you must go to the monastery near our home, in that place just knock on the door and tell them what happened to me."

At that moment, little Duncan raised his face and, cleaning the dirt that he had separated himself from his mother\'s corpse, to later leave his home to look for that monastery.

Before leaving, he turned around and took one last look at his house, before heading out into the snow.

When he finished remembering his distant childhood, Duncan who was lying in the snow got up with a big lump in his throat and tears about to come out of his eyes. He punched the snow.

Then start walking towards the port warehouse.

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