The Sage of Einar

Chapter 212 - The First Commercial Treaty Of The Tribe 2/2

Aila gave the two men a quick look and began to read, "The first point pertains to the sale of slaves, according to the agreement reached between the two of you.


Darían agrees to sell a total of 500 slaves each time he comes to the island, each slave will have the cost of 1 silver coin regardless of age, with the sole exception of those over 40 years old which will cost 50 copper coins and those under 3 years old that have a symbolic cost of 10 copper coins.


This commitment will be exclusively for the conventional slave population, which does not have a fixed trade, for artisans or people who have had a trade before the cost will be 3 silver coins.


As a commitment, Darían will take care of cleaning all the slaves before bringing them to the island. That includes washing them with soap, giving them clean clothes, and cutting their hair completely to avoid a plague of lice.


Darían also agrees to give them a stay on the boats with the bare minimum so that they do not get sick or die on the trip.


Einar for his part agrees to free any slave children who arrive on the island in exchange for their compulsory study at school, and Christian slaves will be allowed to process their faith, provided they respect the rules.


In case they do any damage they will be punished depending on the level of threat and damage they have caused.


But Einar and Darían agree that no sold slave should be a thief, murderer, or rapist.


Any slave who arrives on the island with a dangerous past will be killed and Darían will receive a fine of two silver coins and will pay for any damage that the slave may have caused. "


Aila looked at Einar and Darían before wiping the sweat on her forehead "Those were the terms of the treaty regarding the sale and purchase of slaves. Next, I will read about the sale of resources and goods in general."


Aila turned the page of the notebook and began to read "This point indicates the merchandise that will be sold and bought.


To begin with, Darían agrees to sell a ton of copper for the creation of coins at a special price of 10 gold coins, on the condition that it is only used to make coins.


Which will have to be made with the same measurements and weight as the coins of the city of Carcol with an exchange rate of 100 copper coins to a silver coin.


This sale will only be made once, but if necessary, the copper will be sold per kilogram at the current market price.


Other products for sale will be farm animals, for production and pets such as cows, sheep, pigs, goats, horses, rabbits, dogs, cats, and deer.


In the case of deer, they will only be allowed entry if they are small, do not have any visible disease, and are completely clean. Due to this the cost of each specimen will be paid in 2 gold and 50 copper coins.


The price of the other animals will pay with the market value, as for the number of animals will depend on Einar\'s orders, and under any circumstance they must be bought in their entirety.


Otherwise, a fine of 3 silver coins will be paid for each animal that is not purchased.


For the sale of grains, fruits, vegetables, dried meat, beer, and medicinal plants or spices, there will be a security guarantee, three tons of grain of any type such as oats, wheat, and barley will always be sold on each trip.


Beer is a strategic and necessary good so it will be bought regardless of the taste as long as it is not incredible or has been turned into vinegar.


As strategic material, Darían agrees to sell 50 barrels of beer at a price of 20 gold coins on each trip to the island.


In the event of a food shortage, grains will be substituted for vegetables, fruits, or dried meat to complete the agreed amount.


Darían is also committed to meeting quality standards so that no grain or food sold will be old or have any kind of plague.


If any bag of grain has a plague or is stale, Einar will only pay half the cost of the entire sale of that grain since it can be assumed that everything will have the same problem.


For the sale of fruit, apples, meat, and spices, the cost will be that of the market.


As for the sale of minerals, sales can only be by ton and will have to be ordered by a commission, the mineral will be sold in its pure state.


The only exceptions will be precious minerals such as silver or gold, which can only be purchased in bullion and can be purchased in small quantities, always on request.


Darían also agrees to sell two tons of any kind of material to make clothes at the special price of 5 gold coins per ton. These materials must be of quality and must not be junk material.


Finally, Darían agrees to carry out a refugee program in his city to obtain families who will be sent to the island as second-class citizens.


They will not be slaves and only families who can prove that they never carried out subversive or criminal activities will be allowed in.


These families will obtain a place to make their lives within the island. Unlike slaves, they will be able to have the right to obtain land that belongs to them.


But if they want to get more benefits, they will have to learn the language and take a citizenship test for which they would be taught.


These points end Darían\'s engagements with Einar and the tribe. "


Aila drank some water and stretched her hands before turning to the next page "These are the commitments of Einar and the tribe for the sale of products.


Herbal liquor or absinthe will be sold exclusively to Darían at a price of 5 gold coins per barrel.


Medicinal alcohol for wound cleansing use will also be sold at a cost of 1 gold coin per glass bottle.


Another of the materials to be sold will be yellow or sulfur bar soap at a price of 1 silver coin per piece, for powdered laundry soap it will be sold at a price of 3 silver coins per kilogram.


Einar agrees to sell the bar soap at a special price of 50 copper coins and 1 silver coin and 50 copper coins for laundry soap, provided that these are used for cleaning slaves, animals, and refugees.


The quantity of soap at a special price will be calculated based on the number of ships that are used to transport the merchandise, so a letter must be submitted justifying the use of the soap.


Once the document is verified, Einar will give Darían a discount for his next purchase; the soap will have to be purchased at a standard price so there will be no discounts until the use is verified.


The tribe is also committed to selling glass pieces such as glasses, jars, plates, and assorted crafts at a price of 1 gold coin and 5 silver coins per piece regardless of quality.


Another product for sale will be Roman cement, which will be sold per 10kg sack at a price of 1 silver coin.


Refined salt or powdered salt is a high-end product without a bitter taste, so each kilogram of salt will be sold for 1 gold coin.


This product will be used to pay any debt in case the tribe does not have the resources to pay, the cost will always be stable in a gold coin.


Another product for sale will be the ski goggles that will be sold at a price of 2 gold coins per piece, the microscope will be sold for 10 gold coins per piece and must be ordered on request.


As a sign of goodwill, a microscope will be given to Darían for his promotion among the nobles.


Mud and sand coolers will also be sold to keep any kind of food fresh, these will be sold only to Darían for use on their ships.


These will cost 50 copper coins. In exchange, Darían will have to keep them secret for use on his ships.


In the event that the technology to produce them leaks, Darían will have to pay the tribe a fine of 100 gold coins.


Another product that will be sold at a special price will be women\'s underwear, which will be sold at a price of 5 silver coins per set for conservative models.


For special underwear, it will be sold at a cost of 1 gold coin per set.


Also added in this space are female toys that include a user manual at a price of 1 gold coin per toy.


Due to the likelihood that these three can be copied, a certificate of authenticity will be issued on each set or toy.


These certificates guarantee the safety and quality of our products, so Darían is committed to delivering them to women or people who buy the product as a sign of quality.


The certificate has the name of the product, serial number, date of manufacture and a stamp with the image of an eagle, the paper of the certificate will be waxed and will have an extraordinary quality.


In the event that a certified product has a problem, the cost of the product will be returned, Darían must be in charge of such work.


A certified product can only be made if it has a manufacturing error, if the damage was due to misuse of the product or lack of care, the coins will not be returned.


The last product for sale will be any kind of book written in Latin, the cost per book will be 20 gold coins, a discount will only be obtained if the original book is delivered.


If the original book is delivered, nothing will be paid for the first copy but if more are required they will cost 5 gold coins; the original book will be the property of the tribe.


At the moment the only three books for sale will be, Diseases and personal hygiene, Dictionary from Latin to English, and principles of sex.


Due to the controversial content of the latest book, Darían agrees to sell it secretly and only to influential people.


With this last point, the points of purchase and sale ended, now it only remains to read the general commitments and sign the treaty in order to make the treaty effective."

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