The Sage of Einar

Chapter 221 - Hymn And Pledge Of Allegiance


Barn av islandet, loft vapnene dine.

A bekjempe nasjonens fiender.

Matte barna vare leve i fred mens fiendene maler bakken med blodet.

Alle barn av Odin har plikt til a beskytte vart land og vare tradisjoner mot enhver fiende.

Forent som brodre vil vi smi et land uten undertrykkelse og med stovlene vare vil vi eliminere fienden.

Hellig land og evig frihet.

Sammen vil vi oppna den endelige seieren, ma gudene nade vare fiender fordi var sjel vil vaere i Valhalla.

Barn av islandet, historien var er akkurat i gang, kan våre barn og barnebarn snakke om var storhet.

Alt samlet vil vi aldri bli beseiret, matte vapnene vare beskytte familiene vare.

Tiden for enhet er na, vi vil kjempe om nodvendig.

For a forsvare familiene vare mot enhver aggresjon.

Barn av islandet gudene er med oss.

Hellig land og evig frihet.

Tiden til folket vart har kommet ... \'

When Einar finished writing the hymn, a smile formed on his face.

"I may not be a writer or a musician but the way these lyrics are heard awaken in me a feeling of wanting to defend my country.

Although I wish I had copied the Mexican anthem, I think it is better to honor it than to copy it.

Perhaps in the future when society is more advanced, and the world is in an era of relative peace, our descendants will decide to change these letters of war.

But at least for the next thousand years, they will have to remain unchanged, although now that I have finished writing the hymn I think it is time to move on to the oath.

While the anthem creates the need to defend the homeland, the oath should be a constant reminder of the defense of the four powers in which our nation will be separated.

I think I\'ll use the basis of the Pledge of Allegiance in Mexico. "

Putting some ink on the tip of the quill pen, Einar took a fresh sheet of paper and prepared to write.

\'Islands flagg, vart folks arv, symbol pa enhet mellom vare kulturer.1

Vi sverger til deg a alltid vaere trofaste mot maktene som konsoliderer nasjonen var og som tillater oss a ha et stabilt liv.

Vi lover a forsvare keiseren som nasjonens ledende makt og guide.

Vi sverger pa a forsvare den utovende grenen som representert av statsministeren er den som folket valgte for a ivareta folks interesse.

Vi sverger pa a forsvare den lovgivende grenen som ble valgt av provinsene for a opprette og godkjenne lover for var nasjon.

Vi sverger pa a forsvare rettsvesenet, som med sine dommere og dommere har plikt til a handheve nasjonens lover.

For du flagger Island, lover vi a alltid vaere trofaste og respektere grunnloven samt verdiene som styrer nasjonen var. \'

Einar nodded at the small but forceful text of the pledge of allegiance.

"I think I will use the Roman salutation to take the oath, just like we did in Mexico.

I just hope there is no megalomaniac in the future who will taint the Roman salute to establish a reign of terror.

But if there is, I hope it has nothing to do with our nation. "

Einar sighed and raised his head so that he could see the roof of the house as he stroked his nasal septum.

"If I learned something from history, it is that it is better to add than eliminate, I have to create a constitution and a religion based on the integration of all the cultures and races that exist in our nation.

Although the approach of the Anglo-Saxon nations to eliminate the natives allowed to keep the color of the skin and the culture that they had unchanged.

It is a rather poorly applied measure in the long term because the more they spread, the more differences they created between its inhabitants.

Proof of this is the United States and people of African descent or natives.

But unlike them, the Spanish method of miscegenation and assimilation was the best of all, at least in independent Mexico there was no problem such as racial segregation.

Although nothing is perfect and it also had its problems because racism is not something that can be eliminated without external pressure such as aliens or an invader of another species.

Only then will we realize that as humans we must be united and that the color of the skin is something that makes us unique but not different.

I suppose I have an obligation to help as much as I can to create a population that can assimilate anyone.

Where you do not talk about skin color or culture, but speak from Icelandic to Icelandic. "

Einar lowered his head, caressed his temples, and poured some more herbal liqueur into his glass.

After taking a few drinks he cleaned his mouth and looked towards the door "Although that will also have problems because nationalism will create a barrier of superiority.

How difficult it will be for my descendants to be able to maintain a neutral appearance and a stable population.

In any case, there is no use thinking about the future, because it will not depend on me, all I have to do is create a good administrative and governance base.

May I avoid as much as possible that one day one of my descendants or any prime minister tries to do barbaric acts against any person or group of people.

The last thing I want is to have a caligula or nero as a descendant or some shogun to take power from the imperial family.

Although now that I think about it, it is funny that I say that my family is imperial when it is not yet a royal family because we are hardly the equivalent of a dukedom.

But it does not matter, because when I have the island completely conquered I will be able to establish the constitutional monarchy of Iceland.

After this it will only be the conquest of Greenland and the small southern islands before starting a real conquest in the northern part of the American continent.

At that time I will be able to create the constitutional empire of Iceland, but until then there is no point getting ahead of me. "

After he finished speaking, he only drank the liquor that was in his glass and got up because he had to go to supervise the training of the slaves.

\'Flag of Iceland, legacy of our people, symbol of unity between our cultures.

We swear to you to always be faithful to the powers that consolidate our nation and that allow us to have a stable life.

We vow to defend the emperor as the leading power and guide of our nation.

We swear to defend the executive branch who represented by the prime minister is the one chosen by the people to safeguard the interest of our people.

We swear to defend the legislative branch who was elected by the provinces for the creation and approval of laws of our nation.

We swear to defend the judiciary who with its magistrates and judges has the obligation to enforce the laws of our nation.

Before you flag of Iceland we promise to always be faithful and respect the constitution as well as the values that govern our nation. \'\'HolyLand.

Children of the land of ice, raise your weapons.

To fight the enemies of the nation.

May our children live in peace while our enemies paint the ground with their blood.

All of us children of Odin have a duty to guard our land and traditions from any enemy.

United as brothers we will forge a land free from oppression and with our boots we will eliminate the enemy.

Sacred land and eternal freedom.

Together we will achieve the final victory, may the gods have mercy on our enemies because our soul will be in Valhalla.

Children of the land of ice, our story is just beginning, may our children and grandchildren speak of our greatness.

All united we will never be defeated, may our weapons protect our families.

The time for unity is now, we will fight if necessary.

To defend our families from any aggression.

Children of the land of ice the gods are with us.

Sacred land and eternal freedom.

The time of our people has come .... \'

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