The Sage of Einar

Chapter 250 - An Accidental Discovery

Kassia, Helmi and Laisa were walking together with Einar and their two children in the market in the center of the tribe.

Although Einar had central control of the merchants\' purchases and sales, many of his crew sold products and bought various handicrafts.

While they were walking, little Laura could see some strange things in a small stall that seemed to be much bigger carrots.

With some curiosity Laura approached the small stall and pointed out the strange vegetables "Excuse me sir, what are these things that you are selling."

The grocer, who was an older adult, gave Laura a smile "These are beets, according to one of the crew of the last merchants who came.

It\'s too sweet a vegetable, do you want to try some? "

Laura turned her head to look at her father and mothers for their approval.

Einar, who had heard this, only agreed to his daughter\'s request, because he also wanted to try. Seeing her husband\'s approval, the three women also gave their approval.

Laura then turned her head and looked at the old shopkeeper, "I would like to taste the sweet taste of beets."

The clothesline with a smile on his face took a beet that he had previously cut and cut off a good piece, which he handed to Laura.

Laura then took a small bite of the white skin of the beet. When she could feel a sweet taste, a smile formed on her face.

"Dad, this beet is almost as sweet as honey. Do you want to taste it?"

Einar bent down and allowed his daughter to hand him the beets so that she could take a bite when he tasted the beet.

Einar recalled that the two main sources of sugar came from two plants. One was sugar cane, which could only be planted in tropical places.

But the other was the beet that could be grown in cold places, his father who had been a man of money and ranches.

Sometimes he planted sugar cane, so he knew the steps to follow in order to get the sweet nectar from the sugar cane.

Stroking his daughter\'s hair, Einar turned his head and looked at the grocer "I\'m willing to buy all your beets, but you know if someone else bought beets.

I would like to buy as many as possible as they will be a strategic asset for the future. "

The shopkeeper, who got a little nervous that the herald would speak to him personally, gulped "Nobody else bought herald beets, I have two other sacks that I bought from the Christian crewman.

But that\'s all I had. "

Einar smiled "Buy yourself all the beets for 5 gold coins and you will receive a bottle of honey liquor.

What do you think of the deal? "

The old shopkeeper nodded immediately, as he had only paid 4 silver coins for the beets.

When they all arrived at the kitchen, accompanied by two slaves who were carrying sacks of beets.

Einar took a seat in a chair to rest his tired feet a bit and looked at his family who were curious to know why he bought those beets at a premium.

"I know you are all wondering why I bought the beets."

Einar, taking a beer from the table, looked at it as if it were something very important.

"This little tuber will help all of us produce a lot of sugar, a cooking ingredient that we could sell for twice the price of refined table salt."

Daven, who was looking at the beets, turned his gaze to see his father "Why did you never try to buy beets before father?"

Einar scratched his cheek "I am a human being like you. It is normal that many things forget or simply do not fall within my priorities.

I really have to thank Laura and her curiosity that we were able to find this little sustainable gold mine.

Tomorrow I will organize some warriors to find some slaves who know how to grow beets because I do not understand if the planting will be like potatoes or any other tuber. "

Laura looked at her dad with doubt. "How do you know how to plant potatoes, Dad, if you still haven\'t built the greenhouse that you promised to sow the seeds that Natukt brought?"

Einar sighed and stroked Laura\'s hair "Because your dad has the backing of Odin, but don\'t worry, maybe in three months Seren and the artisans will have perfected the method of making glass panels.

With them we will not only make greenhouses but we will also build glass windows to let in the sunlight and keep the wind out.

But now that I think about it, tomorrow will be your first day as a Nordic Youth group leader. Are you ready to lead all the children to victory in the group event? "

Laura, who was quite happy, nodded and using her small fist showed a victory sign "I\'m ready for any kind of challenge.

Mom Laisa is helping me train with my team. Mom Kassia is guiding me toward how to be a good leader.

Mom Helmi, on the other hand, has been by my side helping me with whatever I need. For them and my group, I will do everything possible to win.

That way, you will be proud of me. "

Einar, upon hearing the tender words of his daughter, ended up hugging her and gave her a kiss on the forehead "Whatever you do, I will always be proud of you.

But even with that it is always good that you try to break your limits to achieve something completely amazing, only in that way you can better know your advantages.

You must remember that although you can win, you can also lose. You always have to keep your head up and give your best.

A loss will not make you less important, it will only show you where you need to improve. As a parent I will be at the event watching you from the stands.

Just like your mothers, your grandparents and your brother, we will all be there to support you. "

Laura, who was hugging Einar, just closed her eyes "I\'ll do my best, dad."

In the morning Laura, who had her uniform and her boots, was looking at her entire group with whom she had been training for the last few days.

"Comrades, we have been training for days for the first Nordic youth group competition.

Our parents will be watching our performance, remember that we should not disappoint especially the teacher Laisa.

That she dedicated part of her time to teach us some techniques to be able to surpass others. That is why we will give everything we can.

When we can no longer give anything, then we will have the right to rest, what we are! "

All the children shouted in unison, "We are the red team of the Nordic youth!"

Laura smiled and pointed to everyone "What are we going to do in the competition!"

All the children with their fists raised shouted, "We will win!"

After this, the children left their meeting area and were able to see many parents and some warriors guarding the designated place for the tests.

Each children\'s team consisted of 10 children, who would have to compete in 5 competitions.

Crossbow Shooting, Steeplechase, Javelin Throw, Math Test, and Pull Rope Competition.

All the competitions had been made so that each team will use a pair in each one of them, also to avoid accidents with crossbow bolts and javelins.

They did not have a metal tip but instead had a wooden tip covered with linen and leather to avoid some dangerous accident.

The obstacle course for its part was made in a field that had sea sand so that no child could die in the race.

Einar did all this because the fear of seeing his daughter damaged made him prepare for everything, although it would be the first competition he did.

He tries to do it by imitating the competitions in the schools, due to many factors perhaps until the future it could include a swimming competition

Although it had no priority at the moment, with a fixed gaze, Einar watched as Aila began to scream, using an iron cone for the first time to increase the sound of her voice.

"Today the first competition between groups of students will begin, due to many factors each group will be represented by only 10 children.

Each team is named after a color and has a leader who will be in charge of caring for and supervising their team.

To start there are a total of 4 groups, let\'s start by introducing the red team represented by the charismatic little leader Laura. "

At that moment Einar and the whole family began to applaud as they saw little Laura doing some ovations, as her father had taught her.

"In the Blue team we have the young and energetic Gunnar as the team leader."

Einar and the family also applauded because even though he was Juni\'s son, Sven had long treated them like his own children, so they were part of the family.

"In the green team we have a pretty smart and good-natured little leader named Dorete.

In the Gray team, we have the brave little leader who is not afraid to speak her mind Maela. "

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