Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 728 T.D.O.N.B: A Way To Make Up

Celestine drove Tihana to the restaurant she was supposed to meet with John, who came all the way to Albuquerque just for this. I observed their car from above, flying as a raven.

My daughter picked a pink one-piece dress, which surprised me so much, I felt like a bucket of ice-cold water was poured straight at me. She never chose clothes like those, and yet there she was. In a freaking pink dress, with a very tiny pink purse on a long strap.

It was something I needed to investigate later because I never suspected she even had something like that in her wardrobe.

The place wasn\'t big and fancy but also wasn\'t just a simple diner. It was something in the middle. I had to shadow walk my way in, and then figure out how to stay out of sight. It was quite the task. I ended up in the bathroom still in my raven form, with a very small, tiny hole in the table where they were sitting in, so just the sound would pass through.

- I don\'t know why we had to come all the way here - Tihana pointed out. - You could just say sorry, and we would be done with this.

John didn\'t answer immediately. He clearly needed a moment to gather his thoughts.

- I... I wanted this to be done in a proper way. I\'ve done something terrible to you, and I know that meal won\'t fix anything, but I want to show you that I am truly sorry - he said.

- I guess you already got your punishment for that - she pointed out.

- I kinda did, didn\'t I? - he chuckled shortly.

- I\'m sorry that my father did that to you, but it wasn\'t like you weren\'t actually asking for it - she said.

- Look... I know this might sound stupid, or like a lie, but I\'ve never intended this to escalate like that. I just wanted the cave and the crystals.

- It doesn\'t matter what you wanted. It matters what happened, and you and your friend not only behaved like a bunch of assholes. They also tried to put their hands on me. What do you think triggered my dad so badly? You got lucky that he didn\'t rear you all apart. I\'ve seen what he can do - she said, and her voice got louder and louder, as more emotions got poured into her words

- I can\'t apologize enough. Look... This is hard for me too. I\'ve been thinking about this a lot, and I really want to make up to you for what happened, but it\'s not just me. My father also is pressuring me to settle this, so I will do whatever you want. Just allow me to somehow make it up. Please? - His voice also displayed some emotional luggage.

I wasn\'t sure what exactly that luggage was, but there was definitely something.

"Ha!", I thought to myself as soon as he mentioned the father. "I knew it!"

Now the only thing I needed to figure out was how much of his apology was caused by retreat, and how much by his father\'s pressure because that was crucial for me to accept that apology. What mattered for Tihana is a separate case.

- Make up? I don\'t know - she shrugged her shoulders. - Maybe don\'t hand with rapists? Maybe don\'t behave like a spoiled idiot, just because you have an influential dad? I could be running around and slapping people in the faces, just because my father is who he is, but I\'m not doing that, because I\'ma  decent person. You should become one too.

Again, the emotions were shoving in her voice, not only because of the increased volume but also because of the way she emphasized certain words.

- I\'ll do anything. You want me to beg? I will beg. Right now if it will make you forgive me - he responded.

I couldn\'t see them with my eyes, but \'Eyes of the Void\' allowed me to have some understanding of what was going on, besides just the sound, which was actually a bit dulled by the ability.

Tihana smiled briefly, and I was almost sure she would ask him to just go on his knees, but she didn\'t. I was taken aback by that.

- You don\'t have to beg me. Instead, why don\'t you do something decent? Help those in need. Try to understand them. Take your fancy, brand clothes, put on regular ones, and go help serve food for the hungry, or something - she said with a smirk on her face, as she crossed her arms on her chest. After a second she also added: - And I don\'t just want you to tell me you did that, or something. I want to see that you\'ve changed. That you understand.

- Y-you w-will have to go with me, then... - he pointed out, stuttering.

- I will - Tihana said.

- O-ok... When? I-i can go now if you want.

His voice cracking made me believe he wasn\'t very comfortable with the idea, and inside his head was complete chaos, while he tried to keep up with the conversation.

- No. Not now. My parents are in the middle of something, so they might have different plans. I need to first speak with them. I\'ll let you know when and where we will be going - she said, and then picked her stuff from the table and left.

I waited a moment there, but when John also picked up his things to go outside, I escaped from the bathroom stall too.

I circled around in the vicinity of the restaurant for a moment, in my crow form, just to ensure Tihana would safely get into a cab, then I shadow walked back to our rented house.

I scared the shit out of Celestine, who was already back in the house. In the kitchen to be precise, where my anchor was left. She jumped, throwing the book she was reading, and almost spilling a cup of coffee she just made for herself.

I immediately knew that I fucked up, so I promised her some nice dessert, which I then started making, anticipating Tihana\'s return.

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